I am so annoyed at me and everyone at the moment. I had to go to a house competition and since I am the "leader" I felt guilty if I did not participate in everything, which including locking arms with three people I do not know and racing people in other "houses." (I forgot how punctuation conventions work, and also how to spell punctuation is spelled) Not to mention the 1000th safety assembly at school because people cannot hold off froom making legitamte murder lists and leaving them in open spaces. People will snitch, keep your weird sadistic fantasies to yourself. Pair this with being a infinite loop of SA and SH (both) because I tried fitting in a YEAR ago. Since people were weird and people laughed at their jokes and hung out with them in this new school, I assumed the same would apply to me. No. It turns out it was fine because they were friends and also popular, meanwhile I, the new kid, was shamed for such activity. Now I have a small group of people who actually enjoy this personality I've forced upon myself, and because I am incapable of dealing with being abandonded, I must continue. And since one of these groups is REALLY weird and takes it EXTREMELY far they call me things that make me very uncomforable and touch me in ways I would prefer they would not. And since I was "weird to them first," they can be as weird as they want, because they hold against me a handful of out-of-pocket things I have sprinkled, meanwhile one of them is a genuine kid lover! i finish this later
Woah first blog! Yeah, that is right, first blog on this website, totally. Disregarding that terrible introduction, I am Addition. (Addy for short) If you are here, you have probably already read the about me, so I am not going to go into my whole thing. I do not know what else to right, so I am going to write some highlights and lowlights!